How To Make Papaya Black Soap
Step 1:
Get 2 big ripe pawpaw fruits. Peel the first one, cut it up and pour in
a pan, add the peel, flesh and seeds then pour coconut, sunflower
or olive oil to cover the fruits in the pan. Put on low heat and let it boil
for 30 minutes-1 hour. Take off the heat and pour in a container with
a lid. Leave the content to continue infusing for a few more days
before you sieve and discard the fruit
Step 2:
Peel the second fruit and grate the pawpaw pulp, then spread
outside to dry. When dry, blend to powder and store in a container
Step 3:
- 500 grams black soap
- 3 tablespoons papaya fruit powder
- 2 tablespoon turmeric powder
- 2 tablespoon camwood powder
- 2 tablespoon cow/goat milk powder
- 100 ml papaya infused oil
- 50 ml honey
Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix
properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency
and pack ready for use